Elite Sport Training in Upper Secondary Education - Models for Sportive Success Drukāt
Pirmdiena, 22 oktobris 2012 12:39

Prof. Rolf Carlson, School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH) Sweden, has recieved a research grant concerning "Elite Sport Training in Upper Secondary Education - Models for Sportive Success" from The Swedish Institute in Stockholm regarding a joint effort between GIH, Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE), Russian State University of Physical Education and Health (RSUPE), Belarussian State University of Physical Culture (Minsk) and Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska (Polen). The purpose of the project is to analyse combination standards for high level training and education in upper secondary schools in the participating countries with a focus on creating a system to benefit all participating countries. Target groups are talented youth and coaches/teachers. Coordinator from Latvia and The Baltic Sea Region will be prof. Juris Grants.


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